For many people, either type of hosting will be just fine. However, there are a few key differences that might influence your choice between PowerHoster Linux vs. Windows Hosting.
For starters, Linux Hosting uses a command-line interface that might initially confuse users accustomed to pointing and clicking. That alone might make Windows based hosting your best choice, as its user interface is similar to what you’d find on desktop computers. It’s also your only choice if you need to use Visual Basic or .NET programming languages, or create databases using Microsoft Access or SQL.
However, many users swear by Linux Hosting due to its stability and security. When you make even the largest updates to your website or server, Linux Hosting rarely requires a reboot or restart. That means your site will be open for business when visitors come looking. Linux Hosting is also far more difficult for hackers to exploit, so they’ll often move on to another target when faced with a Linux server.
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