The Linux and Windows both hosting popular nowadays. Both have different features with different services. Which one is the best hosting fully depends on the type of your website and your requirement?
Personally, I am using Linux Hosting for my website and having a great experience.When it comes time to start your own website, blog or any other online project, Linux hosting is the right choice.
There’s nothing wrong with Windows hosting, but Linux is the preferred choice for many reasons. Linux allows the use of PHP, Python, CGI, and Pearl, which are very popular choices for webmasters. It’s also known as one of the most stable choices for your hosting and provides more features that can be used free of charge compared to Windows hosting.

Linux is inclusively an operating technique which operates on a unstopped multifariousness of hardware, ranging from Intel and AMD CPUs to hardware close as Digital Alpha computers, PowerPCs, and Silicon Graphics workstations. Moreover the enormously express humdrum of Linux is that it is freely shareable.
Linux Web Hosting besides offers tools funk the Gateway Defender anti-spam and anti-virus relief to succour you to bleed electronic info threats and slight their inherent afflicted effects. Gateway Defender existent is your best cover rail spam and viruses. The Linux Web Hosting is a single-source design for all of your website hosting needs.
inux Hosting is more commonly used to build a blog or a website, or an e-commerce store. Linux Hosting is often the best solution for a self-hosted WordPress blog.
Linux hosting shared services come equipped with tools like c-panel, where the user can manage their website database (MySql) and applications like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal Content Management Systems.
The ease of use allows the person or a business to build a website with ease without the need of much of technicalities.
In fact, most of the web hosting companies find it easy to work with Linux Servers and as a user, it helps you manage multiple domains through c-panel.
The common Linux interlacing hosting is the blessing foundation of users who are looking for just hosting options for smaller sites. With reciprocal hosting the gold of your server like as CPU, memory, wearisome disk, dossier proficiency are returned with single sites. Make indisputable when selecting a shared web owner provider that they have decent policies on how conspicuously a server is formidable augmenting by mismated sites. The Linux lacework hosting has a tactics of loading special sites to affect the problems of virus. Linux web hosting offers the services pleasure in 200MB+ disk space, PHP and MySQL and Perl, User genial Control Panel, FTP, FrontPage access, heterogeneous email accounts.
Both Linux and Windows hosting has their advantages and disadvantages but which to choose or which is the best is depend on requirement.
Both are two different types of operating systems.
Linux is more secure than windows. It is the ideal if you want to use ou want to use PHP, Perl or MySQL and it is the best for blogs, content management systems, online stores as well as forums.
Whereas Window hosting is the best if you want to add specific windows applications like The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site, MSSQL, Visual Basi, MS Access, Remote Desktop etc.

With Windows hosting, you can use ASP or ASP.NET but both of these applications tend to be a bit more difficult to use. Most developers, webmasters, and bloggers prefer Linux hosting over Windows hosting.
Here are some of the top benefits provided by Linux hosting:
- Cost: Linux is an open source platform, there’s no charge to use it for your hosting. This allows hosting companies to keep their prices lower compared to Windows hosting.
- Flexibility: With a Linux server, you can do many things, such as create a blog, website, multimedia application, forum or any other online entity.
- Security: Of course, a very important benefit of a Linux server, especially for shared hosting, is the security. This operating system has proven time and time again to be more secure than any other choice.
- Reliability: Since Linux was one of the first operating systems created, it provides better reliability than Windows.
- Simplicity: It’s easier and more user-friendly than Windows hosting. Since Linux can use MySQL, Perl, and PHP, it has become known as a very easy system to use.
- Linux hosts are better performing and more scalable. If you compare sites written using the same technology but hosted on Linux and Microsoft platforms, nine times out of ten, the Linux site will outperform the Windows one.
- More large sites are hosted on Linux, or another Unix-variant operating system, than on Windows. (IQNavigator, for instance, uses Linux for some purposes, but hosts much of its production infrastructure on Solaris, another Unix variant.)
- More people with skills suited to working with Linux/Unix hosting than with Windows.
- You’re also going to find a larger choice of technologies for developing your Web site with Linux/Unix hosting. Many of these will be available on an open-source basis (unlike Windows).
Many benefits come along with the choice to use a hosting company offering the Linux operating system. This affordable type of hosting makes it easy for anybody to get started with a blog or website.
Top hosting company providing full technical support, you can take advantage of the many benefits like:
- Faster services using CloudLinux Platform.
- Lower Downtime with 99.9% uptime.
- Speedy websites with 21x faster LiteSpeed technology.
- Unlimited storage space with SSD Storage.
- Secure connection on the web with Free SSL Certificate.
- High Security with Latest tools like Mod Security, DDoS Protection, etc.
- All-time customer support and exceptionally lower cost.
All these hosting companies are providing excellent services at an affordable range. From which you can all benefits of the Linux hosting as well as essential features with superb quality.